
What is EN 10203?

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What is EN 10203?

EN 10203 is European Standard specifies reguirements for single and double cold reduced low carbon mild steel electrolytic tinplate in the form of sheets or coils for subsequent cutting into sheets.

In case of any conflict in requirements, the requirements of the purchase order, the individual material specification, and this general specification shall prevail in the sequence named.

EN 10203


EN 10203  Equivalent of Electrolytic Tinplate Sheet and Electrolytic Chromium-Coated Steel

Chinese standard: GBT 2520

American standard:  ASTM  A623M

Japanese Industrial Standard standard: JIS G3303

Definitions Of EN 10203

electrolytic tinplate low carbon mild steel sheet or coil coated on both surfaces with tin that is applied in continuous electrolytic operation

differentialy coated electrolytic tinplate
cold reduced electrolytic tinplate, one surface of which carries a heavier tin coating than the other.

single cold reduced
a term used to describe those products where the steel substrate has been reduced to the desired thickness in a cold reduction mill and subsequently annealed and temper rolled

double cold reduced
a term used to describe those products in which the steel base has had a second major reduction after annealing

annealed by the process in which the cold reduced strip is annealed in tight coil form, within a protectiveatmosphere,for a predetermined time-temperature cycle

continuously annealeo(CA)
annealed by the process in which cold reduced coils are unwound and annealed in strip form within a protective atmosphere

Surface finish
the surface appearance of tinplate is determined by the surface characteristics of the steel base together with the condition of the tin coating which can be either flow-melted or unflow-melted.

EN 10203 Surface Treatment

Classification of surface finishes for electrolytic tinplate

Commodity Letter Symbol Classification Specific Feature
Single cold-reduced products B Bright finish A luster surface provided by a flow-brightened tin coating on a smoothly grindstone-finished steel base.
R Stone finish A luster surface provided by a flow-brightened tin coating on a steel base characterized by a directional grindstone-pattern.
S Silver finish A luster surface provided by a flow-brightened tin coating on a coarse dull finished steel base.

Surface Finish Classification Of Blackplate

Single cold-reduced products B Bright finish A smooth surface finish with a fine grindstone-pattern
R Stone finish A surface finish with a directional grindstone-pattern
M Matte finish A dull surface finish
Double cold-reduced products R Stone finish A surface finish with a directional grindstone-pattern

Aerosol Cans

EN 10203 Steel Grade

Type of steel Remark
MR It contains few residual minor constituents and has a good corrosion resistance so that it is widely used for such applications as containers.
L It contains particularly few residual minor constituents such as Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, so that it is suitable for the materials of containers required improved corrosion resistance.
D It is aluminium killed steel, so that it is suitable for the applications which bear deep drawing or other working that is liable to produce Luder’s lines pattern.

Tin coating Mass of EN 10203

The coating mass, on each surface, shall be expressed in grams per square meter (g/m”). The lowest values specified in this standard shall be 1 g/m2 on each surface, no upper limit is specified. Values of preferred coating masses are 1,0,1,5,2,0,2,8,4,0,5,0,5,6, 8,4 and 11,2 g/m2.

Designation of standard tin coating mass and its minimum average coating mass

Electrolytic Tinplate Sheet
Type of coating Equally coated Differentially coated
Designation of coating weight (g/m2) 2.8/2.8 5.6/2.8
5.6/5.6 8.4/2.8
8.4/8.4 8.4/5.6
11.2/11.2 11.2/2.8
Nominal coating weight (g/m2) 2.8/2.8 5.6/2.8
5.6/5.6 8.4/2.8
8.4/8.4 8.4/5.6
11.2/11.2 11.2/2.8
Minimum average coating weight (g/m2) 2.45/2.45 5.05/2.45
5.05/5.05 7.55/2.45
7.55/7.55 7.55/5.05
10.1/10.1 10.1/2.45


Temper Grade of EN10203

For the purposes of this standard single reduced tinplate is classified into temper grades based on the Rockwell 30 Tm hardness values and double reduced tinplate classification is based on the 0,2 % proofstress properties and Rockwell 30 ‘Tm hardness values.Other mechanical properties will significantly influence the performance of tinplate in processing andsubsequent intended end use and will vary depending on the steel type and the methods of casting, annealing and temper rolling employed.

Temper Designation Of Single Cold-Reduced Product

Temper Designation Traget, Rockwell hardness HR30T
T-1 49+3
T-2 53+3
T-2.5 55+3
T-3 57+3
T-4 61+3
T-5 65+3
T-6 70+3

Temper grades for double cold-reduced tinplate and black plate shall be expressed in Rockwell superficial hardness (HR30T).

en 10203 Temper Designation Of Double Cold-Reduced Product

Temper Designation Target, Rockwell Hardness Target, proof stress (information only) parallel to rolling direction
HR30T   N/mm
DR-8 72 550
DR-9 75 620
DR-9M 76 660
DR-10 79 690

The above is a display of the main parameters in the EN 10203 production standard. I hope it can help you better understand Tinplate. If you are looking for a Tinplate supplier, we hope you can contact us to give you a quote. If you need to find other suppliers, we are happy to help you.

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Witop Tinplate

Over 15 years technical and export experience of Tinplate and TFS steel products. If you have any requests, Get in touch with us for free quote and give your one-stop solution for your market.

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